Archbishop Miller welcomed Ottawa’s Jan. 29 decision to delay expanding MAiD to include mental illness but was disappointed that the government plans to proceed at a later date. On Feb. 1, the government paused the expansion for three years. (Alberto Biscalchin photo)

MAiD for mental illness must be stopped, not paused, Catholic and legal experts say

Catholic and anti-euthanasia observers across Canada are welcoming the federal government’s decision to pause the introduction of assisted dying for individuals suffering from mental illness, but expressing dismay that it still intends to expand access in the future. Vancouver Archbishop J. Michael Miller said he was disappointed by an announcement by federal Health Minister Mark...

The Liberal government is contemplating pausing plans to broaden the eligibility of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) to individuals solely with a mental illness. (Michael Swan photo)

Liberals consider pausing MAiD expansion to mentally ill

A glimmer of Christmas hope emerged for objectors to Canada’s euthanasia regime.  Federal Justice Minister Arif Virani said Dec. 13 that the Liberals are contemplating pausing plans to broaden the eligibility of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) to individuals solely with a mental illness beginning March 17. Cabinet will weigh the feedback offered by a joint...

Canada’s bishops have reaffirmed that they “unanimously and unequivocally oppose the performance of either euthanasia or assisted suicide (MAiD) within health organizations with a Catholic identity.” Alberto Biscalchin/Flickr

Canadian bishops renew their opposition to euthanasia in Catholic hospitals

There is no place for euthanasia or assisted suicide in Catholic hospitals, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said Thursday. In a statement released the day after the British Columbia government said it would take over land beside Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital for a euthanasia site, the bishops reiterated their opposition to “medical assistance in dying” in Catholic...

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