The Canadian bishops have released a five-part video series on YouTube about their pastoral letter on social media. Bishop Scott McCaig, CC, bishop of the Military Ordinariate of Canada, hosts the English version, while Bishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay, OMI, of Hearst-Moosonee, Ont., presents the French videos. (CCCB photo)

Canadian bishops launch video series on social media and faith

A year after issuing a pastoral letter on the use of social media, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a new video series to help Catholics navigate social media with faith and integrity. The series, part of a new webpage for the CCCB’s Pastoral Letter on the Use of Social Media,  contains new resources...

Young people use mobile devices in isolation from each other at a mall. In their pastoral letter on social media, the Canadian bishops suggest fasting from screens once a week and taking a “Technology Sabbath.” (Paul Schratz photo)

In pastoral letter, Canadian bishops praise those who witness on social media, but warn ‘don’t be naive’

Catholic institutions and media outlets must hold themselves to the highest standards, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said in a Jan. 24 pastoral letter that focuses on social media. As a communication tool, social media has great potential to “serve a fundamental human good: the building of bridges among people by the sharing of...

Screenshot from Journey through Advent – First Sunday of Advent 2023, Bishop Jon Hansen

Canadian bishops’ video series puts the spotlight on Advent

For the fourth year running, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is spiritually accompanying Catholics during Advent with short video reflections, inspired by the Gospel readings, published to its YouTube channel and website. The Journey through Advent video series is a joint initiative of the CCCB’s Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, the National Liturgy Office and...

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