By Lea Karen Kivi It was a foggy winter night a decade ago. Standing alone, attired as a Prince of the Church wielding spiritual power, he was unprotected from the risks of downtown Toronto’s street life. A few days before chancing upon Cardinal Thomas Collins, I had sat in a support group held by the...

The Catholic journalism course Telling Truth in Charity offered by Canadian Catholic News and the St. Monica Institute is one reason to be optimistic about the future of Catholic journalism in Canada, writes Catholic Register publisher Peter Stockland.

Canada’s military ordinariate Bishop Scott McCaig. centre. says the Chaplain General’s decision to temporarily back down on a prohibition against prayer at Remembrance Day services is “a sign of responsive leadership.” (Twitter/X photo)

Chaplain General pauses ban on Remembrance Day service religious language

Canada’s military ordinariate is pleased that the Chaplain General has put a temporary pause on the new Public Reflection Policy that would have prohibited overtly religious language by chaplains at Remembrance Day ceremonies. The Epoch Times reported Oct. 31 that Chaplain General Guy Belisle has at least temporarily backed down on the prohibition in order...

Tammy Peterson

Tammy Peterson, a cancer survivor, podcast host, and wife of Dr. Jordan Peterson, was on the fifth day of praying a novena to Opus Dei founder St. Josemaria Escriva when she experienced a miraculous healing from cancer. She expects to enter the Catholic Church next Easter. (Sheila Nonato photo)

Tammy Peterson is coming home

By Sheila Nonato Tammy Peterson is a truth-teller and a truth-seeker. Peterson, 62, is a cancer survivor and host of The Tammy Peterson Podcast that delves into issues such as faith through a counter-cultural lens. Her podcast’s subtle artwork borrows from Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam, which famously illustrates the fingers of God and man almost touching....

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