A recent Cardus study says young Catholics are twice as likely as their senior counterparts to attend religious services at least once a month. (Elijah Bautista photo)

Young adults defying secularism trend in Canadian Church

Reports of dwindling religious practice among Catholics in Canada may be more prevalent each year, but a different trend showing increased interest from young adults is giving hope for a possible resurgence of the Church in the near future. A 2022 research report from Cardus titled The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada revealed religious indicators among...

Father Deacon Andrew Bennett addresses a fundraising breakfast for Catholic Pacific College in December. “Increasingly young adults see what the world is offering them, and they realize it’s not what they want,” he said. (Paul Schratz photos)

Something’s happening among 18 to 34 year olds: a search for truth

When it comes to supporting Catholic education, the audience that came to hear Father Deacon Andrew Bennett’s fundraising talk for Catholic Pacific College was as committed as it gets. By the time he had finished, however, they were not only aware of how much Canada needs inspired Catholic young people, but they could also see...

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