This anatomic model of fetal development at one, two, three and four months is a visual element traditionally included in Edmonton Prolife's KDays exhibition. (Darren Leung)

Pro-life group challenges ban from Klondike Days

Edmonton Prolife has filed a lawsuit against the Explore Edmonton Corporation — the local government’s visitor economy and venue management organization — for banning its booth from the city’s Klondike Days (KDays) in July. “Edmonton Prolife’s application seeks relief for Explore Edmonton’s violation of its section 2(b) Charter right to ‘freedom of thought, belief, opinion...

Expo 4 Life organizer and Holy Cross teacher Luke Gloanec and the expo’s creative director Elisha May Gloanec speak to students during the day–long event. “We are not trying to indoctrinate; we are trying to create dialogue. The goal is that they leave this expo with their perspective broadened,” Elisha May Gloanec told The B.C. Catholic. (Submitted photos)

Beyond ideology: Revamped pro–life expo guides students toward ‘engaging with their personhood’

The annual Catholic schools’ pro-life conference got a fresh coat of paint this year in the form of the Youth 4 Life Expo. Organizers urged students to engage with pro-life ideas on their own terms. They transitioned from a traditional conference format, where content is presented to students, to an expo format, allowing students to browse...

Albertos Polizogopoulos, a pro-life lawyer who was known across Canada, has died at age 41 after being diagnosed with cancer in September 2020. (Canadian Catholic News photo)

Canadian pro-lifers lose standard bearer to cancer at 41

On May 9, as thousands of Canadians once again gathered on Parliament Hill for the annual March for Life, Canada’s pro-life movement lost one of its greatest champions. Albertos Polizogopoulos, a dear husband to Faye Sonier, father of two, and a friend of many, passed away at the age of 41 after being diagnosed with...

Pro-life supporters march in this year’s March for Life in Ottawa. (Peter Stockland photo)

‘I will never forget you’ is national March for Life theme

Thousands of pro-lifers packed onto Parliament Hill and spilled out onto Wellington Street May 9 for the 27th annual National March for Life. The crowd gathered on the Hill at noon with its members bearing both homemade and professionally crafted signs pledging to stand fast for the unborn and vulnerable. The march’s theme “I will never...

The International Pro-Life Flag will not fly over Toronto Catholic schools this May after Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees voted against a trustee’s motion. (Facebook photo)

Audience erupts in anger as trustees oppose flying pro-life flag at Toronto Catholic schools

The International Pro-Life Flag will not fly over Toronto Catholic schools this May. Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees voted against an April 23 motion proposed by trustee Michael Del Grande that the pro-life flag fly outside all schools and the Catholic Education Centre during the month of May, just as the board voted to...

A 40 Days for Life vigil near the Morgentaler clinic in downtown Ottawa in 2017. Protesters have been unable to do so since 2018 when Ontario introduced its “bubble zone” law in 2018. Manitoba has introduced a similar law. (CCN file photo)

Manitoba introduces ‘bubble zone’ law

The Manitoba government is following in the footsteps of provinces like British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Québec by advocating for legislation prohibiting pro-life protests, demonstrations and picketing near clinics and hospitals that offer abortion and the residences of abortion providers. On March 7, Minister of Families Nahanni Fontaine and Minister of Health, Seniors and Long-term Care Uzoma Asagwara introduced The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (Bill 8) to the provincial legislative assembly. If passed, the bill would mandate that “buffer zones” of 50 metres immediately take effect around hospitals and clinics, and the provincial cabinet would have authority to expand the boundary to 150 metres at a later date. The legislation stipulates that buffer zones around homes be set at 150 metres. Facilities offering chemical or surgical abortion that do not fall under the purview of The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act could apply for a buffer zone. The law also promises to provide protection to physicians and pharmacists that offer the abortion pill Mifegymiso. If passed, first-time offenders of the law would be subject to fine of up to $5,000, imprisonment of six months or both. Repeat offenders would face a $10,000 fine, one year of incarceration or both. Maria Slykerman, the president of Campaign Life Coalition Manitoba, denounced the proposed bill as “utterly totalitarian.” She said it “makes an enemy of every Manitoban who values the freedoms that make Canada such a great place to live — including the freedom to gather and speak in the public square, no matter who you are or what your views are.” Passing this statute has long been the apple of Fontaine’s eye. The MLA for the St. Johns riding since 2016 made five previous attempts to get this legislation passed from 2018 to 2021, but these efforts failed as the Progressive Conservative government of the time did not support her bill. The NDP formed the government following the 2023 election. Fontaine stated in a press release that “abortion is health care. Manitobans have the right to safe and accessible health care. Whether you’re accessing reproductive care, recovering from a procedure or providing critical health care to Manitobans, this new legislation would make sure your safety and privacy is protected.” Jeff Gunnarson, the national president of Campaign Life, stated that the bill takes away the free speech of those who advocate for the voiceless. “Let’s be clear: preborn babies are being killed in these centres,” said Gunnarson. “These are humans we’re talking about here, humans with human rights, including the right to life. But, they have no voice. So, pro-lifers become their voice and try to convince mothers to choose life for their babies. “It’s simply evil that a government wants to criminalize those voices at abortion centres who are trying to save lives, who are trying to stand up for the victim of a violent and cruel death. Shame on (Premier) Wab Kinew and the entire NDP for abandoning the preborn child with this anti-human-rights legislation. May God have mercy on us.” Lauren Stone, the Progressive Conservative families’ critic, has not yet publicly commented on The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, which is expected to advance through the legislature and receive royal assent before the summer hiatus begins on June 4.

Women and families struggling with financial challenges because of pro-life choices they’ve made are receiving a helping hand from North Shore Pro-Life. The organization wants to expand its financial aid program, which offers $500 a month to help individuals with struggles as a result of choosing not to use abortion or euthanasia. (Adobe photos)

North Shore pro-life program helps with the challenges of choosing life

A North Shore Pro-Life financial aid program that helps mothers and families make difficult life-affirming decisions is approaching its first anniversary, with organizers saying they want to make it available to more people in need. The Life Affirmation Program helps lessen the financial burden faced by mothers and families who choose life, either for their children or elderly relatives at risk of euthanasia.

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