The Canadian bishops have released a five-part video series on YouTube about their pastoral letter on social media. Bishop Scott McCaig, CC, bishop of the Military Ordinariate of Canada, hosts the English version, while Bishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay, OMI, of Hearst-Moosonee, Ont., presents the French videos. (CCCB photo)

Canadian bishops launch video series on social media and faith

A year after issuing a pastoral letter on the use of social media, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a new video series to help Catholics navigate social media with faith and integrity. The series, part of a new webpage for the CCCB’s Pastoral Letter on the Use of Social Media,  contains new resources...

Canada’s bishops have reaffirmed that they “unanimously and unequivocally oppose the performance of either euthanasia or assisted suicide (MAiD) within health organizations with a Catholic identity.” Alberto Biscalchin/Flickr

Canadian bishops renew their opposition to euthanasia in Catholic hospitals

There is no place for euthanasia or assisted suicide in Catholic hospitals, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said Thursday. In a statement released the day after the British Columbia government said it would take over land beside Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital for a euthanasia site, the bishops reiterated their opposition to “medical assistance in dying” in Catholic...

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