Thousands of Catholics have passed through the Holy Door in the Sacred Heart Chapel of Québec City’s Notre-Dame du Québec Basilica to mark the jubilee year for the Archdiocese of Quebec’s 350th anniversary. (Photo by Samuel Tessier)

Quebec’s 350th: Jubilee year will mark historic past but also its shortcomings

As the Archdiocese of Quebec embarks on a jubilee year to mark its 350th anniversary, it hopes to strike the right balance between celebrating the significant historical role played by the archdiocese while acknowledging the sober realities facing the modern Church. On Dec. 8, 2023, the Archdiocese inaugurated the jubilee year by opening the Holy...

These are the blueprints for St. Francis Xavier Church, which is set to be built to replace the church torched in 2021. (Photo courtesy Diocese of Hearst-Moosonee)

Attawapiskat eager for rebuilding of church destroyed by fire

By Luke Mandato St. Francis Xavier Church in Attawapiskat, one of the churches destroyed in a rash of fires across the nation in 2021, is set to rise from the ashes. A new church is to be built in the northern Ontario community on the site of the previous church destroyed by a fire ruled...

Young people use mobile devices in isolation from each other at a mall. In their pastoral letter on social media, the Canadian bishops suggest fasting from screens once a week and taking a “Technology Sabbath.” (Paul Schratz photo)

In pastoral letter, Canadian bishops praise those who witness on social media, but warn ‘don’t be naive’

Catholic institutions and media outlets must hold themselves to the highest standards, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said in a Jan. 24 pastoral letter that focuses on social media. As a communication tool, social media has great potential to “serve a fundamental human good: the building of bridges among people by the sharing of...

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