When Canada’s Ukrainian bishops sent out their Easter greetings letter this year, they dated it Easter, March 31. They also dated it Easter, May 5. The dual dates reflect the two different ways Ukrainians celebrate Easter. Some follow the Gregorian calendar that we do. Others, particularly Eastern and Orthodox Christians, use the Julian calendar. If...

Cabrini, the latest movie from the team that produced Bella (2006) and Sound of Freedom (2023), opened on March 8 in cinemas across North America. The choice of International Women’s Day for the premiere was no doubt intentional, a way of telegraphing to the world, “See? See? The Catholic Church has strong, powerful women, too.” The lush biopic highlights...

By Lea Karen Kivi It was a foggy winter night a decade ago. Standing alone, attired as a Prince of the Church wielding spiritual power, he was unprotected from the risks of downtown Toronto’s street life. A few days before chancing upon Cardinal Thomas Collins, I had sat in a support group held by the...

The Catholic journalism course Telling Truth in Charity offered by Canadian Catholic News and the St. Monica Institute is one reason to be optimistic about the future of Catholic journalism in Canada, writes Catholic Register publisher Peter Stockland.

“The Church addresses people with full respect for their freedom,” Pope John Paul II said; her mission “does not restrict freedom, but rather promotes it.”

Maybe marriage and child-rearing is not as magical as Instagram made it look. The work is draining. Getting older is also draining. Perhaps we have less room and energy for the expansiveness we had hoped to discover post-retirement. Perhaps every corner of life requires effort.

During his studies for the priesthood Lawrence already showed remarkable ability for languages. In addition to Italian and Latin, Lawrence learned with ease both ancient languages (such as Greek, Hebrew and Syriac) and modern languages (such as French and German). Due to his ability for languages, Lawrence was able to preach to different categories of people. He carried out apostolate in northern Italy, beyond the Alps, Bohemia, Germany, Austria, and Hungary.

Euthanasia is now presented to patients as a health care option. For Catholics however, it is not an option we should ever choose. Why? Because it is a fundamental violation of our understanding of the human person.

Catholic Critique News reviewed from a Catholic point of view May 22, 2023 By Catholic Conscience Child Services Agencies Threaten Investigation and Possible Action Against Parents of School Children Accused of Using “Improper” Gender Pronouns at School Parents of schoolchildren in Ontario report having received calls from child protection agencies threatening investigation, and potentially removal...

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