Bishop Mark Hagemoen and Bishop Gary Franken with team members: (back, left to right) Luc Montpetit, Ryan Mallett, Kieran Gillespie, Ronan Gillespie, Alex Pulvermacher, Max Connelly; (front, left to right): Jerome Montpetit, Raphael Pelletier, Saskatoon Bishop Mark Hagemoen, St. Paul Bishop Gary Franken. (Submitted photo)

Death (… to Life…) Race 2024 completed by two teams, led by bishops of Saskatoon and St. Paul

The 2024 Great Canadian Death Race held Aug. 4-5, marks the fourth run that the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon have promoted in support of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, beginning with the “Beaver Flat 50” in 2021 and continuing with the Death Race in 2022 and  again in 2023. Support Bishop Hagemoen’s fund-raising efforts for the Indigenous...

CWL leaders and national convention organizers gathered for Mass Aug. 9 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

CWL leaders and national convention organizers gathered for Mass Aug. 9 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

CWL leaders arrive for national convention Aug. 11-14 in Saskatoon

SASKATOON—National and provincial leaders of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada have arrived in Saskatoon, holding meetings ahead of a three-day national convention that will bring hundreds of League members from across the nation to the prairie city on the South Saskatchewan River. League president Shari Guinta and her national executive – which includes provincial...

Fellowship and refreshments were part of the faith Encounter date night for married and engaged couples at the Cathedral of the Holy Family. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Date night focuses on role of God in marriage

At a diocesan Encounter date night for married and engaged couples, speakers Daniel and Rita Taylor shared what they have learned over eight years of marriage about “learning to let God lead.” Daniel is a personal trainer presently working in the oil and gas industry in Northern Alberta. Rita is the founder of Fully Integrated Ministries,...

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