Anisa Gourate and her son, Muhammad, pose in 2015 on their farm near Jijiga, Ethiopia. Aid from Canada’s government comes with conditions, many that are based on progressive ideology of the current federal government. (Photo: Michael Swan)

The new colonialism

From the heady days of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s appointment of a gender-equitable cabinet, “because it’s 2015,” through to its intimate ties with Canada 2020, a self-described “upstart think-tank for Canada’s progressive community,” the Trudeau government prides itself for its progressive bona fides. To listen to the media scrum comments of Liberal ministers is to...


Harvest Ministries declines $100,000 settlement offer, hoping for Charter violation ruling

A lawsuit launched last August against the Quebec government by pastor Art Lucier and Harvest Ministries International (HMI) was, according to their lawyer, never about the money. HMI left a $100,000 settlement offer on the table and has opted for a moral rather than a purely monetary victory in its case which claims the organization’s...

A participant in Quebec City’s first March for Life holds up his pro-life sign. Photo courtesy Campaign Québec-Vie

Quebec March for Life weathers the storm

Neither a smoke bomb, shrieking foes, nor police warnings kept pro-life Quebecers from taking to Quebec City streets June 1 for what organizers hope will become an annual March for Life. About 1200 counter-protestors, including provincial Minister for the status of Women Martine Biron, outnumbered the 1000 or so pro-lifers, who were told by police...

There has been no public accounting for the millions disbursed by the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations to the Kamloops First Nation for “field work, records searches and to secure the Residential School grounds.” A child’s red dress hangs on a stake near the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School June 6, 2021.CNS photo/Jennifer Gauthier, Reuters

No accounting for residential school burial sites’ funding

A planned National Gathering on missing Indigenous children and unmarked graves has been abruptly postponed, days before it was reported that there is no public accounting for the millions of dollars that the federal government has sent to the Kamloops First Nation to investigate residential school burial sites. Meanwhile, the final report from the Office...

A death certificate for a Vicky Stewart, who died of meningitis at an Edmonton hospital. Her death is playing a role in a class action launched against the Archdiocese of Edmonton, one of its priests and his missionary order. Photo courtesy of Province of Alberta

Child’s death certificate muddies Edmonton class-action allegation

An alleged murder that is part of a class action suit against the Archdiocese of Edmonton was actually death from meningitis, a government record obtained by The Catholic Register affirms. In court filings last February, lead plaintiff Sphenia Jones says she witnessed fellow student Vicky Stewart dying “after being hit in the head with a wood implement...

Misoprostol pills used for a chemical abortion being sent by mail in Canada, are not in non-compliance with regulations, says Health Canada. (Public domain)

Health Canada says online abortion pill provider not ‘directly’ providing drugs

Health Canada has determined a Canadian non-profit doesn’t directly distribute drugs despite the organization’s claim to have provided the abortion pill to over 100,000 women. After an enquiry last month from The Catholic Register, Health Canada opened an investigation on Women on Web. In an April 10 email, Health Canada told the Register it had...

A First Nations choir sings at Mass to mark the Easter Sunday signing of a Sacred Covenant between the Kamloops First Nation, the Archdiocese of Vancouver, and the Diocese of Kamloops. There appear to be no plans for other Canadian bishops to immediately follow suit. (Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc photo)

Covenant signing a ‘local initiative,’ with hopes of more to follow

By Anna Farrow Montreal Correspondent Though Vancouver Archbishop Michael Miller called the Easter accord between the Kamloops First Nation and two British Columbia Catholic dioceses a significant and historic “milestone,” there appear to be no plans for other Canadian bishops to immediately follow suit. Andrew Ehrkamp, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Edmonton, noted...

The funeral cortege for former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney takes to the snowy streets of Montreal on March 23, 2024. Mr. Mulroney’s hearse was accompanied by eight RCMP pallbearers, along with four RCMP officers on horseback, a Canadian Armed Forces escort and guard of honour and the Royal Canadian Air Force Band. (Peter Stockland photo)

Prime Minister Mulroney’s funeral: ‘Mulroney was the last. There are no statesmen left in the world’

Msgr. Francis Coyle shared more with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney than having an Irish name. Msgr. Coyle is pastor of Montreal’s St. Patrick’s Basilica, which he says the Mulroney children referred to as “Dad’s church.” He presided over the 2008 wedding of the former Prime Minister’s eldest son, Ben, and from March 21 to 23,...

The Archdiocese of Montreal has filed an appeal to overturn a Quebec Superior Court ruling compelling a palliative care home to offer assisted suicide. (Unsplash photo)

Palliative care ruling threatens Montreal archdiocese’s work

The Archdiocese of Montreal argues in a court filing it is being obliged to “assist in what constitutes ‘murder’ ” by being denied a temporary exemption to keep MAiD out of a local palliative care centre. The claim came in an appeal filed March 15 seeking to overturn an earlier ruling by Quebec Superior Court...

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