
Society’s loss of the ability to centre conversations on “a common set of facts” is a theme of recent essays that lament the state of journalism. (Tomasz Mikołajczyk/Pixabay)

Truth, media, and good governance – moving toward and respecting the truth

By Catholic Conscience On May 12, Pope Francis marked the 58th World Day of Social Communications by saying a world increasingly permeated by artificial intelligence must never lose sight of the “wisdom of the heart.”  The following essay from Catholic Conscience makes the point that communication also depends on truth, a point increasingly being lost in today’s...

The Canadian government’s rationale for a carbon tax is that it addresses the costs associated with the effects of climate change, but critics say the tax is unfair, ineffective, and puts unnecessary burdens on the working class. (CNS/Harley Schwadron)

The Catholic carbon tax conundrum: balancing solidarity, subsidiarity, governance, and prudence

As the world navigates the complexities of the climate change issue, the implementation of a carbon tax has become an unavoidable reminder that political and practical choices and actions often have complex and unforeseen consequences. They can, for example, have impacts not only on the environment, but on individuals who have to deal with the...

Catholic Critique News reviewed from a Catholic point of view May 22, 2023 By Catholic Conscience Child Services Agencies Threaten Investigation and Possible Action Against Parents of School Children Accused of Using “Improper” Gender Pronouns at School Parents of schoolchildren in Ontario report having received calls from child protection agencies threatening investigation, and potentially removal...

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