Catholic Street Missionaries attend to the needs of the poor on the streets of Vancouver. Volunteers recently spent 24 hours praying and fasting in preparation for their work on the street. (Catholic Street Missionaries photos)

Prayer and fasting prepare street missionaries for outreach to Vancouver homeless

“Don’t forget the poor; be generous to them.”  With those words, Canossian Sister Elisa Grignoli called about 30 Catholic Street Missionaries to reflect on their mission to the poor and homeless before heading out to the streets of Vancouver. With the simplicity her order is known for, she said Jesus’ words from the Gospel of Matthew –...

Hundreds of women gathered for women’s retreat at RockRidge Canyon where they heard from speakers Rachel Herbeck, Mary Lenaburg, Ali Hoffman, and Heather Khym. (Arleen D Souza photos)

Hundreds hear miracles of love at women’s retreat

It was love for the daughter who died in her arms that taught Mary Lenaburg about the love of God and also taught her how to love. Speaking to about 300 women at Life Restoration women’s retreat at RockRidge Canyon in Princeton, Lenaburg described the two miscarriages she and her husband experienced as well as...

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