Father Chris Sherren, chancellor of the Diocese of Charlottetown, with a reporter reviewing historic artifacts found during the archive project. (Photo by Debra Majer)

Charlottetown whipping 200 years of history into shape

The Diocese of Charlottetown has been cleaning out its closet in an effort to sort through some 200 years of history as part of an ongoing archive restoration project. Debra Majer, archivist for the Diocese of London, returned to Ontario from Prince Edward Island in late June following three weeks of sorting, filing and cataloging...

The next session of Telling Truth in Charity: Introduction to Catholic Journalism will be offered online starting Sept. 24, with weekly classes on interviewing, writing, copyediting, and more, all through a Catholic lens.

‘Thank God for Catholic media’: new session of Catholic journalism course starts Sept. 24

Writing in a Catholic newspaper in Australia, Monica Doumit notes that her country is heading down the same road of euthanasia that Canada has been on for nearly a decade. In an article titled “Thank God for Catholic media, or we’d never know the truth on euthanasia,” Doumit wrote in The Catholic Weekly, “With wall-to-wall euthanasia...

Campaign Life weighs legal options after being labelled hate group

The pro-life advocacy organization Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) is weighing its legal response after being publicly labelled a “far right Christian nationalist group” by a federally-subsidized anti-fascist network. “There are potential repercussions from a label like this,” said Pete Baklinski, communications director for Campaign Life Coalition. “It’s not something we take lightly. We’re going to...

Father Pierre Ducharme led a Zoom video conference with over 100 Canadian priests Aug. 14 to discuss how to develop synodal and missionary Catholic churches from coast to coast. (Willan Leung photo)

‘It is not at all about us’: Richmond pastor leads Canadian priests in synodal discussions

Over 100 Canadian priests convened for a Zoom video conference Aug. 14 to discuss how to develop synodal and missionary Catholic churches from coast to coast. Participants pondered the same questions posed to their clerical colleagues from around the world who attended the Parish Priests for the Synod International Meeting from April 28 to May...

Basilian Father Thomas Rosica, CEO of Salt+Light Television, speaks at a World Communications Day event in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 2016. (CNS photo/Robert M. Longo)

Lawsuit alleges Fr. Rosica sexually abused priest

A 55-year-old priest has filed a lawsuit in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice, alleging he was sexually abused in 2000 by high-profile Canadian priest and Vatican expert Father Thomas Rosica, CSB. The World Youth Day 2002 national director and Salt+Light Television founder denies the allegations and is asking the court to dismiss the case, arguing...

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