The Canadian government’s rationale for a carbon tax is that it addresses the costs associated with the effects of climate change, but critics say the tax is unfair, ineffective, and puts unnecessary burdens on the working class. (CNS/Harley Schwadron)

The Catholic carbon tax conundrum: balancing solidarity, subsidiarity, governance, and prudence

As the world navigates the complexities of the climate change issue, the implementation of a carbon tax has become an unavoidable reminder that political and practical choices and actions often have complex and unforeseen consequences. They can, for example, have impacts not only on the environment, but on individuals who have to deal with the...

Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, takes notes during a news conference to present the dicastery’s declaration ‘Dignitas Infinita’ on human dignity, a copy of which is nearby, at the Vatican press office April 8.CNS photo/Pablo Esparza

Former trustee feels vindicated by dicastery’s dignity document

Reading the passages about gender theory written in the new Vatican document Dignitas Infinita (Infinite Dignity) offered Francine Champagne, a former school trustee in Winnipeg, a feeling of vindication. “The document supports what I have been saying all along: We are born male or female,” said Champagne. “God makes no mistakes.” The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith...

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