Two Spirit Day volunteers greet some of the 1,800 Grade 7 students who gathered at Pacific Academy in Surrey for this year’s Confirmation year event, themed “Anointed.” (Derek Juneson and Miso Media photos)

‘I opened my heart to Jesus’ at Spirit Day

When 1,800 Grade 7 students descended on Surrey’s Pacific Academy Nov. 4 and 5 for Anointed, this year’s Spirit Day for confirmation-age youth, it looked – and sounded – like they were having the time of their lives. So we reached out to students, volunteers, parents, and catechists to make sure. The consensus was clear:...

By Lea Karen Kivi It was a foggy winter night a decade ago. Standing alone, attired as a Prince of the Church wielding spiritual power, he was unprotected from the risks of downtown Toronto’s street life. A few days before chancing upon Cardinal Thomas Collins, I had sat in a support group held by the...

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