Kamloops Bishop Joseph Nguyen meeting with Pope Francis in 2016

Kamloops Bishop Joseph Nguyen meeting with Pope Francis in 2016. British Columbia bishops paid tribute to Francis on the 10th anniversary of his pontificate. (Diocese of Kamloops file photo)

Francis’ concern for poor high on B.C. bishops’ thank-you list

By Nicholas Elbers On the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate, bishops from across B.C. and Canada offered reflections on the Pope’s significance and the gifts he has given to the Church.  Victoria Bishop Gary Gordon touched on a commonly recognized theme, saying he appreciates Pope Francis’ concern for the poor and marginalized. “I have...

Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition speaks with listeners at a presentation at St. Nicholas. “Most people ask for euthanasia because they are going through a difficult time of life,” he said. (Nicholas Elbers photos)

Culture of loneliness meets culture of death in MAiD epidemic: speaker

By Nicholas Elbers Caring and compassion are the most effective solutions we have to combat the growing requests for Medical Assistance in Dying, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Executive Director Alex Schadenberg told a large gathering at St. Nicholas Church in Langley. The presentation, entitled “How do we talk to our loved ones about euthanasia?,” unpacked the...

Mom and Tots Group

Overwhelmed mothers say church Moms and Tots groups are offering mentorship opportunities while addressing a common complaint they have about secular groups and activities: the negativity. (Nicholas Elbers photos)

Moms and Tots groups come to the rescue for weary mothers

By Nicholas Elbers Children are a blessing, but parenting can be stressful, and in the modern world many mothers feel lonely and isolated in their vocation. This is where parish Moms and Tots groups can be helpful.  During COVID, many groups for mothers and their small children tried to adapt to restrictions by meeting at...

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